Prayer Shawls/Blankets

I had the idea of producing Prayer Blankets back in June – little did I know how it would take off. The idea of prayer blankets came about when a friend of mine was going through a particularly tough dark time in their lives and was in need of some support, comfort, prayers and love. Our aim is to try and give some of this by the production of prayer blankets, each finished blanket also being individually blessed.
Prayer blankets, when completed will be available to anyone who needs them. The idea is that by making squares, many people are involved in the production of a blanket, sending lots of love, comfort and prayers to the recipient.
I collect squares from the back of church every week, many people from all over Newark and beyond are contributing – children, elderly, first time knitters/crocheters, experienced crafters etc. My dining room table frequently has a patchwork of squares laid out ready to be sewn, my daughter has even taught herself to crochet through this project so she can be involved, and edge all the blankets. Since June, 20 blankets have been knitted, crocheted, sewn, blessed, and distributed.
A huge thank you to all who have been involved so far and long may it continue. Please keep knitting, crocheting, donating wool etc. If you know of anyone who is in need of a prayer blanket and would like them to be placed on the waiting list, please do get in touch.
Thank you again for all your support. Madeline Gibson (07733136440)
Keep those squares coming…
Here are some wonderful examples of what your knitted or crocheted squares have made up so far… Thank you everyone – the recipients have been absolutely delighted !