All Saints’ Coddington
All Saints Church, Coddington is part of the United Benefice of St Giles, Balderton, All Saints, Barnby in the Willows & All Saints, Coddington (BBC). The village of Coddington sits just east of Newark and is mentioned in the Doomsday book. The site of the current church is thought to have been a place of Christian worship since at least Saxon times.
The church building has national significance due to its associations with Constance Penswick-Smith, who was the founder of the revival of Mothering Sunday. The mid -19th Century church restoration used the services of leading lights in the Art and Craft Movement – Ed. Bodley, Wm Morris, Burne-Jones. The church is mentioned in Simon Jenkins’ Book ‘1000 Best Churches to Visit’.
The current worshipping community aims to build on the heritage we have inherited while reaching out with the gospel of Jesus Christ to the expanding village community.