Eco Church (Barnby)

All Saints, Barnby’s Community Garden & Nature Reserve

In June (2021) many village residents joined members of the congregation of All Saints Barnby to form a working party to begin works on projects to become an Eco Church.

Guided by a local consultant, Jay Henderson, a local Green Party Town Councillor, the working party trimmed and cut back some nettles, used wood chippings from the recently pollarded poplars to make paths through the rewilded areas around ancient graves. The yew walk was trimmed and some paths/areas were gently mowed to make it easier to hold events outdoors. Wood from the pollarded trees will be used as seating and plinths for an outdoor altar in the woods by the river. Dead branches have been split to create edging along the paths.

More work will be done over coming months to make the churchyard a re-wilded, managed nature reserve and picnic spot for the village. Plans to have a community garden and plenty more seating here are also part  of what you’ll be able to enjoy.

Do visit and let us know what you think.