Data Protection
All charities including Church of England Parishes must comply with the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR) dated Jan 2020. This includes our Community Hall. People must give their consent for us to hold their contact details so, when appropriate, we can get in touch with them or send them information either by post or by email; this is especially important for the lonely and vulnerable.
We are required by law to ensure consent forms are renewed every 3 years so, even if you have previously given your consent, we ask you all to complete a new form and pass it back to our vicar Louise Holliday, our warden Ian Lawrence or post it to the parish office at the vicarage.
The consent forms have been updated. Separate forms which need to be signed by a responsible adult are available for minors under 13. Consent forms are available in church or can be obtained from the vicarage or warden.
Please note: GDPR consent given for other organisations does not carry over to St Giles. Unless you complete one of our forms, we are not legally permitted to contact you even if you had authorised another group or Church of England organisation to hold your details.
If you are a Group leader/secretary, manage a rota or have a contact list please ask everyone on your list to complete a form. One form per person will satisfy the requirement for all lists relating to St Giles. If you are unsure, you can see the master register in the Parish Office.
Our UK-GDPR Data Privacy Notices, one for the vicar and one for the PCC, can be seen here
The full underlying principles explaining your rights and our responsibilities for maintaining your contact details are available in a policy document which can be found in church.
Ian Lawrence
Church Warden