Ride & Stride
The annual Nottinghamshire Historic Churches’ Trust’s Sponsored ‘Ride and Stride’ event takes place on Saturday, 9th September. This event is open to anyone, be they cyclists, walkers, mobility scooters, dog walkers, who would like the opportunity to discover some of Nottinghamshire’s hidden gems and raise money for All Saints’, Coddington at the same time.
If you have taken part before, you may wish to challenge yourself to see whether you can beat the number of churches and chapels you visited last year, or increase the number of miles walked or ridden.
Our beautiful church will be open to visitors for tea, coffee and cakes between 2-4pm on the day. We will also be holding our Autumn Fete between 2-4pm so even if you’re not riding or striding, please do still pop along for a cuppa and support the event. Toilets will be available during this time. Refreshments will be available in the church porch throughout the day from 10am-6pm.
Half of the money raised by All Saints’ entrants, including Gift Aid, will come directly back to our church.
If you would like to know more, please contact Clare Ormston at clarecotten@hotmail.com or on 07887903461. Clare will be able to provide you with sponsor forms and details of which churches are open on the day so you can plan your own route. Clare has also taken part for the last six years so will be happy to give advice (including which churches have the best cake!).
Congratulations to all who took part in the Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust last Saturday.
Edward Casebourne cycled 45 miles and visited 15 churches, Madeline and Alex Gibson cycled 35 miles and visited 10 churches, and Michael Wilson walked 12 miles and visited 6 churches.
Please sponsor them, if you are able, as the money raised is shared between the church and Notts Historic Churches Trust.
Thank you also for those people who helped steward our churches. Alison Wilson
Find out more about Notts Historic Trust Ride & Stride here